Why Sex Doll Is Called ‘Dutch Wife‘?

The term "Dutch wife" has a fascinating historical and cultural background that explains why it has been used to refer to sex dolls. Here's a detailed explanation of the origins and evolution of the term:

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Historical Background

1. Early Usage: Bolster Pillow

  • Dutch East India Company: During the 17th and 18th centuries, sailors from the Dutch East India Company were known to spend long periods at sea. To provide comfort and a semblance of companionship during these voyages, they used long bolster pillows, which they would embrace while sleeping. These pillows were known as "Dutch wives."
  • Practical Use: The bolster provided physical support and helped keep sailors cool by allowing air to circulate around their bodies in the hot, humid conditions typical of long sea voyages.

2. Introduction to Japan

  • Colonial Influence: The Dutch were among the first Westerners to trade with Japan during the Edo period. The term "Dutch wife" (ダッチワイフ, "datchi waifu") was introduced to Japan during this time, but it was adapted to refer to a different kind of surrogate companion.
  • Misinterpretation and Evolution: In Japan, the term began to be used for a type of bamboo or rattan bedmate used for comfort and cooling during hot weather. This object was embraced in a similar manner to the bolster pillows used by the Dutch sailors.

Modern Usage: Sex Dolls

3. Transition to Inflatable Companions

  • Inflatable Dolls: In the 20th century, the term "Dutch wife" in Japan evolved again to refer to inflatable love dolls. These early sex dolls were often made from rubber or vinyl and were used as sexual surrogates.
  • Cultural Adoption: As love dolls became more common, the term persisted and was used to describe these inflatable companions. The association between "Dutch wife" and sex dolls solidified over time.

Contemporary Context

4. Realistic Sex Dolls

  • Technological Advances: Modern sex dolls have evolved significantly, becoming more realistic and sophisticated. They are often made from high-quality materials like silicone and TPE, which mimic the feel of human skin.
  • Global Market: While the term "Dutch wife" is less commonly used in the global market today, it remains a historical reference point that helps to understand the evolution of dolls.

5. Linguistic Persistence

  • Cultural References: The term "Dutch wife" persists in some cultures due to its historical roots and the way language and cultural references evolve. It serves as a reminder of the origins of these objects and their journey through different societies and technological advancements.


The term "Dutch wife" as a reference to sexdolls has its origins in historical maritime culture and colonial trade, particularly associated with the Dutch East India Company. Originally referring to a comfort pillow used by sailors, the term was introduced to Japan and evolved to describe inflatable dolls and, eventually, more advanced modern love dolls. This linguistic and cultural evolution highlights the changing perceptions and technological advancements in the realm of sex dolls, reflecting a fascinating blend of history, culture, and innovation.


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