What attribute can real dolls play?

Research shows that the demand for real dolls has increased many times over the past few decades. Today, with the introduction of the latest technology sex dolls, men are crazy about them and collect them in large quantities. This directly shows that men need love dolls to meet their different physical needs. In addition, it can be said that as the demand for dolls continues to grow, the number of doll buyers is also increasing rapidly. It can be seen that these doll buyers are divided into different categories, and the reasons for each buyer are also different. For doll customers, dolls play the role of family members, collectibles, working models, or just sexual products.

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Role of family members

Some men have great love and affection for their daughters, but they are not happy. Therefore, in order to satisfy their desire for love for their daughters, they buy dolls and treat them as daughters. Like fathers, buyers protect them, take care of them, buy new clothes, etc.

Separation from a long-term marriage is a very painful thing. People feel relaxed and depressed. Therefore, most doll buyers are divorced men who seek happiness, sexual satisfaction, and enjoyment of dolls. Married men who are not satisfied with their sex life are also the most popular buyers of real dolls.

Collection attributes

The carving and skin details of the dolls are perfect. Some doll customers collect these dolls as works of art. Many doll brands now have a range of exquisite silicone dolls based on virtual mobile game characters. Gamelady Doll is one of the famous doll brands that has tapped into the popular video game market segment. Its inspiration comes from well-known characters in mobile games, such as Tifa and Aerith from Final Fantasy 7, Mama and Rockne from Death Stranding, Ciri from The Witcher 3, etc. Their dolls are loved by game enthusiasts, and many customers buy their dolls as collections to express their love for the game characters.

Role of working models

Sex dolls can be great models for artists to draw and design. These lifelike dolls can help artists draw the human body without hiring a model. Do you remember the art room where artists gathered in a circle and drew a naked person in the center? You don't need to hire a naked woman to be your model because you have a lifelike sex doll. You can place your love doll in any position, so you can draw and design very realistic drawings without using an actual model. The possibilities are endless. Sexdolls will definitely improve your artistic skills in drawing people.

Sex dolls are also a great photography subject. Most of the more expensive dolls have very realistic faces and bodies with accurate proportions. If you like something a little special, you can choose fantasy love dolls. You can place them anywhere you want because they have a metal skeleton underneath that allows you to move and position their joints. These joints lock in place, giving photographers the opportunity to practice their photography skills with a model they have full control over. If you plan to take photos of your doll, be sure to buy one with standing feet so that there are more posing options.

Attributes of Sexual Production

Men who always think about sex are the most popular buyers in the world. This type of buyer has been known to buy dolls in large quantities for their wildest fantasies. Although most customers of dolls are single men, sex dolls are beneficial in partner sex. Using them will increase your participation during sex. You can use love dolls to do things that your partner won't let you do or that you don't agree to. Then you will be a satisfied and happy man who makes your fantasies come true.


First of all, the real doll itself is a beautiful and delicate work of art. Then due to the different needs of buyers, it becomes a product with multiple attributes. They can be applied to a variety of scenes and can meet the various needs of customers. People don't think paper towels are dirty just because they can be used to wipe your butt, so please don't be ashamed of owning a doll just because it can be used for sex. Do what you want!


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