The Most Detailed Guide To Make Fake Pussy

You can make a realistic fake pussy, or a homemade masturbator, out of items you already have at home. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Gather materials

Materials needed:
Find two soft, flexible sponges that are clean, of course.
Prepare a pair of rubber gloves (latex or nitrile)
You need to find a sturdy cylindrical container, such as a potato chip can or a plastic bottle with the top cut off.
Make sure to choose a water-based lubricant
For tape, choose duct tape or masking tape.

Step 2: Assemble the fake vulva


Prepare the container:
If you choose a plastic bottle, then you have to pay attention to where you cut it to prevent sharp edges from cutting you. You can make it wide open.

Clean the container thoroughly and let it dry.
Insert the sponge:
The first sponge is placed at the very bottom of the container as a buffer.
Place the second sponge around the container, trying to form a U-shape evenly. The cavity is now made.

Insert the glove:
At this point, you can pick up the rubber glove and insert it into the container with your finger.
Pull the open end of the glove to the edge of the container and secure it to the edge.
Use tape to secure the glove in place, making sure it is tight enough, but not too tight, as it will tear easily.

Step 3: Lubricate and use


Apply lubricant:
Use a generous amount of water-based lubricant inside the glove. Distribute the lubricant evenly to ensure a smooth feel.

Use and clean:
Carefully insert your penis into the rubber glove inside the container. Adjust the pressure inside by squeezing the container or sponge to find the most comfortable experience.
When you are done, take the glove off and discard it. Use warm water and mild soap to clean the sponge container. Wait for them to be completely dry before reassembling them as above for future use.

Tip to enhance the experience:
Warm the sponge: Soak the sponge in warm water before assembling it to give you a sense of body temperature.
Vary the texture: Try different sponge types to find the one that works best for you.
Adjust the tightness: You can adjust the tightness by tightening the tape around the glove, or by using a thicker or thinner sponge.


The above three steps are a cost-effective way to make a simple masturbator. It can be done using materials in life.


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