The Most Detailed Guide To Make Fake Pussy

Creating a realistic and safe fake pussy (often referred to as a homemade masturbator) can be done using household items. Here’s a detailed, three-step guide to make one:

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Materials Needed:

  • Two soft, flexible sponges (preferably new and clean)
  • A rubber glove (latex or nitrile)
  • A sturdy, cylindrical container (such as a Pringles can, a plastic bottle with the top cut off, or a similar-sized container)
  • Lubricant (water-based recommended)
  • Tape (duct tape or masking tape)

Step 2: Assemble the Fake Pussy


  1. Prepare the Container:

    • If using a plastic bottle, cut off the top part to create a wide opening. Ensure there are no sharp edges that could cause injury.
    • Clean the container thoroughly and let it dry.
  2. Insert the Sponges:

    • Place one sponge at the bottom of the container. This sponge will act as the base and provide cushioning.
    • Fold the second sponge around the edges of the container to create a U-shape. This will form the sides and create the cavity where the glove will go.
  3. Insert the Glove:

    • Take the rubber glove and insert it into the container, positioning the fingers downwards inside the container.
    • Stretch the open end of the glove over the rim of the container, ensuring it covers the edges securely.
    • Tape the glove to the container's rim to keep it in place. Make sure it is tight enough to hold but not so tight that it tears the glove.

Step 3: Lubricate and Use


  1. Apply Lubricant:

    • Generously apply a water-based lubricant inside the glove. Ensure the lubricant is spread evenly to prevent friction and enhance the sensation.
  2. Use and Clean:

    • Carefully insert your penis into the lubricated glove inside the container. Adjust the pressure by squeezing the container or the sponges to find the most comfortable and pleasurable fit.
    • After use, remove the glove and dispose of it. Wash the sponges and container thoroughly with warm water and mild soap to ensure hygiene. Allow them to dry completely before reassembling for future use.

Tips for an Enhanced Experience:

  • Heat the Sponges: Soak the sponges in warm water before assembly to create a more realistic, body-temperature feel.
  • Change the Texture: Experiment with different sponge types or textures to find the most pleasurable sensation.
  • Adjust Tightness: You can adjust the tightness by adding or removing tape around the glove or using thicker or thinner sponges.


This simple, three-step method provides a quick and cost-effective way to create a homemade fake pussy using readily available materials. Always ensure cleanliness and safety to enhance your experience and avoid any potential risks.


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