Is It Worth Choosing Implanted Hair For Your Love Doll?

Choosing implanted hair for your love doll can enhance its realism and tactile experience. Here are some considerations to help you decide if it's worth it:

From: Starpery Doll  , Torso Sex Doll With Head

Starpery Queen 105CM Torso


  1. Realism: Implanted hair gives your love doll a more lifelike appearance, which can enhance the overall realism and make the doll more aesthetically pleasing.

  2. Tactile Experience: Touching and feeling implanted hair can provide a more realistic and intimate experience compared to synthetic wigs.

  3. Longevity: Implanted hair is typically more durable than removable wigs or synthetic hair, which may require regular maintenance and replacement.

  4. Customization: You can choose the color, style, and length of implanted hair to personalize your love doll according to your preferences.

  5. Maintenance: While implanted hair requires less maintenance than wigs, it still needs occasional care to keep it looking its best. This may involve gentle washing and brushing.

  6. Cost: Implanted hair can add to the cost of your love doll. Consider your budget and weigh the additional expense against the enhanced realism and satisfaction it may provide.

Ultimately, whether it's worth choosing implanted hair for your love doll depends on your preferences for realism, tactile experience, and budget considerations. If authenticity and a lifelike appearance are important to you, implanted hair could be a worthwhile investment.


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