The Most Fascinating Sex Facts You'll Ever Read

Sex has long been a taboo topic, causing many to feel uncomfortable discussing it openly. As a result, misunderstandings regarding sex are common. However, it is important to note that sex is a natural part of human life and cannot be ignored. To help clear up any confusion, here are 10 fascinating facts about sex to expand your knowledge. PopTorso has various styles and types of torso sex dolls to satisfy your various special fetishes. Come and try our sexy sex dolls and experience different orgasmic pleasures!

1. Men typically experience a higher sex drive in the morning and during the autumn season.

According to Finnish medical experts, the level of a man's sexual desire is linked to the amount of androgen in their body. Studies have shown that the production of male hormones is higher by 16% in the morning compared to the evening, and is also the most active during autumn. As a result, the morning and autumn are considered to be the most sought after times for men.

2. The ideal temperature for optimal sexual performance is 27 degrees.

According to studies, maintaining a temperature of 27 degrees is optimal for a satisfying sexual experience. Keep in mind that cooler temperatures can slow down blood circulation and tense up nerves, which may lead to overreactions such as shivering in warm weather.

3. The climax occurs during sleep.

In order to have a satisfying sexual experience, it is important to get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation, especially less than 6 hours a day, can lead to "sexual fatigue" and lower your sexual satisfaction. It is recommended to aim for 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep, rather than splitting it up into 3 shorter periods.

4. Men who experience shorter post-sex sleep times tend to have better overall health.

According to French sexual medicine researchers, the male brain and neuromuscular system experience high levels of excitement during orgasm, followed by a quick decline as the excitement fades. It has been found that the speed at which a man falls asleep can affect the body's ability to repair.

5. Both men and women have strong reactions to the colors purple and red.

According to Spanish medical experts, the color red can induce sexual excitement in men, while women may experience physical fear due to menstruation when exposed to the same color. Interestingly, engaging in sexual activities in a purple colored bedroom can increase a woman's arousal by 15%, possibly due to its resemblance to the color of human mucous membranes which may evoke rich sexual fantasies.

6. Do not separate after love.

According to love psychologists, separating during the day creates a sense of anticipation for the future, while bidding farewell at night, especially after intimacy, can lead to a feeling of permanent separation. Hence, in order to avoid feelings of sadness, refrain from discussing temporary separation in bed.

7. According to studies, men tend to desire sex more when they are feeling unhappy.

According to German psychologists, men's desire for sex increases by 20% when they are unhappy. If your partner is feeling down and your attempts to motivate him aren't working, consider seducing him instead. This could provide a passionate surprise that may improve his mood.

8. Consider implementing an extended period of foreplay or massage as a means to avoid mental distractions during intimate moments.

According to recent surveys, 73% of women in the United States admit to being distracted during sex, often due to trivial matters in their daily lives. To prevent this from happening, consider prolonging foreplay or engaging in a soothing massage with your partner beforehand.

9. Enhance a woman's sense of smell through the act of sex.

According to French medical professionals, engaging in sexual activity may stimulate the brain's rod cells to create more neurons in the olfactory center, resulting in a heightened sense of smell for women. However, this effect can only occur when the cerebral cortex is stimulated, meaning that routine sexual activity will not necessarily improve one's sense of smell.

10. Don't eat too full or starve when sex

According to researchers from the University of Manchester's School of Health, satiety has a direct impact on sexual pleasure. When the gut is full, the blood supply to the brain and other organs is limited, which can prevent the neurons responsible for sexual pleasure from being fully activated. On the other hand, engaging in sexual activity on an empty stomach may also lead to dissatisfaction due to lack of physical energy. Therefore, it may be more beneficial to have a small dessert or consume something that can increase passion before going to bed.


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