Does Owning A Sex Doll Torso Make Me Weird?

Owning a sex doll torso does not inherently make you weird. People have diverse reasons for owning sex dolls, including companionship, sexual exploration, and even artistic expression. Here are some points to consider regarding this:

From: WM Doll

WM Doll Lucy 85CM
  1. Personal Choice: What you choose to do with your personal life and belongings is ultimately your decision. If owning a torso sex doll brings you happiness, comfort, or fulfills a specific need, that is your prerogative.

  2. Privacy and Respect: While society may have varying opinions on sex dolls, your privacy and personal boundaries should be respected. What matters most is how you feel about your choices and how they align with your values and beliefs.

  3. Stigma and Misconceptions: There may be societal stigma or misconceptions associated with owning sexdolls. It's essential to be aware of these and consider how they might affect your interactions with others.

  4. Ethics and Respect: It's crucial to handle ownership of a sex doll with respect, considering ethical considerations such as consent, privacy, and the rights of others.

  5. Community and Support: If you feel comfortable, seek out communities or support networks where you can discuss your experiences with like-minded individuals without judgment.

Ultimately, what matters most is that you approach your choices with thoughtfulness, respect for others, and awareness of societal norms. As long as you are mindful of these factors and your own well-being, owning a sex torso does not define your character or make you inherently "weird." It's a personal decision that should be understood within the context of your own values and circumstances.


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