Types of Love Doll Vaginas You Need to Know

Two Types of Vaginas for Love Dolls: Removable and Fixed.

When choosing a sex doll torso, it is important to understand the differences between the two types of vaginas available: removable and fixed. Consider these contrasts carefully in order to select the best sex doll for your specific preferences.

Removable Vaginas's Pros and Cons:

  • Pros:

Removable Vaginas allows for easy cleaning and portability.
You can have sex with the removable vaginas in any position.
Different sizes and internal structures are available for purchase, making it versatile.
It is replaceable and visually similar to a fixed vagina.

  • Cons:

The removable vagina of this product requires the use of Mineral powder during installation.
It is important to avoid pulling on the removable vagina during installation, as this may cause distortion.
Using lubrication can make insertion difficult, and the interior of the removable vagina may not feel realistic.
Additionally, there may be some movement during use.

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Fixed Vaginas's Pros and Cons:

The product's fixed vaginas are permanently attached to the love doll's body, providing a lifelike and genuine experience. Made of premium silicone, these fixed vaginas are expertly crafted to closely resemble the look and feel of a real vagina.

  • Pros:

The fixed vagina offers a heightened level of realism during intimacy, making it a convenient choice for those who may not be fully aroused. By manipulating the position of the legs, users have the ability to adjust the tightness of the vagina to their liking.

  • Cons:

Those who own larger or heavier dolls may struggle with cleaning as it requires a specialized tunnel washer and absorbent stick. Additionally, repairing a damaged fixed vagina can be challenging.

Removable Vagina for Your Sex Doll: Cleaning Tips

  • Removal: Always adhere to any manufacturer-provided instructions to safely remove the vaginal insert from the female sex doll. Carefully extract the insert in order to prevent any harm to the anal sex doll or the insert.
  • Rinsing: To clean the insert, rinse it with warm, running water to remove any visible debris or residue.
  • Cleaning Solution: Apply an antibacterial soap or specialized cleaner to the insert, using either your hands or a soft cloth to evenly distribute it.
  • Scrubbing: For a comprehensive cleanse, it is advised to utilize a brush with soft bristles to delicately scrub both the interior and exterior of the insert. It is essential to avoid applying excessive pressure that may cause damage to the material.
  • Final Rinse: Ensure all cleaning residue is removed by thoroughly rinsing the insert under warm water. This is an essential step to avoid any potential irritation or discomfort.
  • Drying: To dry the insert, use a clean, lint-free towel to gently pat it dry. Make sure to place it in a well-ventilated area to air dry completely before reinserting it into the doll. It is important to ensure that the insert is completely dry to avoid any potential growth of mold.

How to Clean Your Fixed Vagina Sex Doll!

  • Position: Ensure that the busty sex doll is positioned in a manner that allows for convenient access to the genital area, which may require laying the doll on a flat surface.
  • Professional Cleaning: Utilize a gentle, moist cloth to remove any dirt or liquid from the vaginal region.
  • Applying Cleaner: The use of a mild antibacterial soap or a specialized sex toy cleaner can effectively clean the area or be applied onto a cleaning sponge for longer durability and protection.
  • Deep Cleaning: Clean the interior of the vagina carefully using a sponge or gentle brush designed for intimate areas. It is important to be thorough yet gentle in order to prevent any potential damage.
  • Rinsing: When rinsing, make sure to use clean water and thoroughly remove any remaining soap or cleaner residue. It may be helpful to use a handheld showerhead during this process.
  • Drying: Eliminate moisture by gently patting the outer area with a clean towel. Alternatively, you can use a fan or allow the doll to air dry in a well-ventilated location. It is important to thoroughly dry the vagina to prevent potential problems with mold or bacteria.


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